Torjen Re-Release

Good day! I’m sorry to interrupt my normal flow of Monday posts, but I wanted to inform you that I just issued the re-release of my very first novel, Torjen! Originally released 3 years ago, I’m issuing a re-release of the first and second parts of the trilogy so that I can release, for the first time ever, the epic, never-before-seen conclusion in March. But this first re-release contains a number of new features, including a revamped cover and updated maps. Here’s the blurb:

“A legion has threatened to conquer a distant world, its ruler having declared himself a god. Having already conquered a race of sorcerers, he intends to rule the worldwith an iron fist, ushering in a new age of domination. He and his armies seem invincible. On a small, unknown island in the middle of the ocean, the wisest, smartestand fiercest of warriors and adventurers meet to discern an alternate future. Their only possibility: a mysterious and ancient artifact known as the Orb of Torjen, a devicewhich, according to legend, guarantees victory in battle. But as they trek across their world toward the object, they face monsters, curses, dragons, demons and supernatural storms that rage against them. And while the tyrant watches them from afar, they are forced to deal with adversity and face the possibility of betrayal. A novel fraught with internal struggles and times when faith alone is the key to survival, Torjen shows what happens when a person is forced to do as the map to the orb commands: to face your own darkness within.”

It’s available for digital download for only 99 cents! But be quick, as this promotion will only last until next Friday, the 6th. After that, the price will jump to $3.99, so buy now at the low price!

Until next time, friends…

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